
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Flu Death Toll in Greece Rises to 72

Experts have recorded fluctuations in the year’s records regarding the seasonal flu which has caused 72 deaths, as of Monday afternoon, March 2. Another 28 people are being hospitalized in intensive care units with severe complications. Since last December when the outbreak started, 150 patients with laboratory-confirmed flu have been hospitalized in intensive care units. Experts from the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KEELPNO) predict an increase in the flu virus activity, which showed considerably low levels over the past few days. The epidemic is expected to come to an end in the next month. However, until then doctors are advising people to pay attention to personal hygiene and their diet, this way they will help their body neutralize the virus and not waste energy in metabolizing food components, such as fat. Furthermore, doctors suggest foods rich in ingredients that stimulate the immune system, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, carotene, selenium and many other nutrients and non-nutrients with antioxidant activity. Soups and juices are highly recommended, since they are digested easily and offer better thermoregulation. According to KEELPNO, the majority of people who have been affected by the flu this year were adult men. It should be noted that among the most vulnerable groups, the elderly population and young people suffering from cardiovascular or respiratory illnesses are most at risk. The dominant, slightly mutated strain A (H3N2) is very aggressive and often proves fatal when it affects elderly people with serious health problems.