
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

European Parliament President: We Will Have an Agreement on Greece this Week

European Parliament President Martin Schulz claimed there will be an agreement over the Greek bailout issue within this week, while he made a plea to put an end to the speculation against the single currency and end the ongoing negotiations. As he said in an interview to Europeolitics, there is already an initial agreement within the Eurogroup framework but Greece must now submit its reform proposals along with the country’s economic investment framework and the plan for its revitalization. Moreover, he stressed the importance of a deal being reached before the month is out. Regarding the speculation on whether Greece should be ready for a Eurozone exit, Schulz strongly denied such scenarios, explaining that “if you want someone to stay in a family, you do not conduct studies concerning a possible exit.” Additionally, he stressed that Greece’s presence in the single currency is to the benefit of all Europeans, claiming that he fights to help Greeks and especially the ordinary people who suffered from the irresponsibility and lack of solidarity those “very rich” displayed when moving their money abroad. “I want to help the Greek government stay in the Eurozone,” he said, while adding that the speculation against the euro has been proven damaging. The line is simple, he concluded; Greece must remain in the euro and speculation must end.