
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Dijsselbloem: ‘No Problem if Greece Wants to Leave the Euro’

The technical discussions that began in Brussels on Wednesday were accompanied by a barrage of negative comments and reports for the Greek government. Both sides want to come to an agreement on the reforms, however it has become evident that the conditions are unfavorable for Greece. According to a report in Ta Nea, which cites sources aware of what was discussed in Brussels last Monday, the chief of the Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem is said to have made it clear to the Greek government that should it intend to leave the Eurozone then there will be “no problem.” Mr. Dijsselbloem is believed to have made that comment when the Greek side announced that it does not wish for any creditor representatives to be present in Athens. This announcement was later repealed. (source: ta nea)