
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Athens’ Demarche to Berlin Over Schaeuble’s Statements on Varoufakis

The ambassador of the Greek Republic in Berlin, following an order of the Greek Foreign ministry, late on Tuesday made a demarche to the German Foreign ministry in order to express Greece’s discontent over German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble’s derogatory statements toward Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. The hawkish Schaeuble, who has become a lightning rod for Greek frustration, was quoted in Greek media as telling reporters after EU discussions on Greece in Brussels that Yanis Varoufakis was “foolishly naive” in his communications. “There was an official complaint from our ambassador in Berlin to the German Foreign Ministry on Tuesday night,” Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman Constantinos Koutras said on Thursday. “It was a complaint after what he (Schaeuble) said about Mr. Varoufakis. As a minister of a country that is our friend and our ally, he cannot personally insult a colleague.”