
Sunday, February 1, 2015

To escape from economic hell, Greece needs Tsipras to call Germany’s bluff

If Athens stands firm and threatens to depart and default, Angela Merkel and the euro hardliners will almost certainly have to give groundLovers of Greek myths know the story of Sisyphus, the king of Corinth who as a punishment from the gods was condemned to spend his time in Hades pushing a boulder to the top of a hill. Every time Sisyphus neared the summit, the boulder slipped from his hands and rolled to the bottom of the slope, and he had to start all over again.The parallels between the sad story of Sisyphus and the equally sad story of Greece are too obvious to require comment. Burdened with debts that are worth 175% of its national output and rising, Greece faces a vain struggle to escape from the economic Hades in which it has been struggling these past five years. Continue reading...