
Saturday, February 14, 2015

SYRIZA Leads by a Wide Margin Versus New Democracy in Marc Poll

Governing coalition party SYRIZA leads by a wide margin over main opposition New Democracy (ND) in an opinion poll conducted by Marc and published at the main news bulletin of private TV station Alpha. According to the survey, SYRIZA receives 45.4 pct (it received 36.34 pct in national elections on Jan. 25) on voter intent, while ND received 18.4 pct (27.81 pct in national elections). All the other parties lose points, with PASOK not even managing to enter parliament, while junior coalition partner ANEL remains stable. Specifically, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) receives 4.8 pct (5.54 pct), ANEL 4.7 pct (4.75 pct), Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgi) 4.7 pct (6.28 pct), To Potami 4.6 pct (6.05 pct), PASOK 2.8 pct (4.68 pct), Movement of Democratic Socialists 2 pct (2.46 pct), Union of Centrists 1.8 pct (1.79 pct), Teleia 1.4 pct (1.77 pct), “Other” 1.3 pct, Invalid/Blank/Abstain 8.1 pct. Asked “how you judge the government’s first days,” 83.1 pct of respondents replied “positively or mostly positive”, versus 13.6 pct who said “negatively or mostly negatively,” while 3.3 pct didn’t answer. In the question “were you satisfied by the government’s policy statements”, 79.9 pct replied “yes or mostly yes”, while 17.4 pct said “no or mostly no” and 2.7 pct didn’t answer. The Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has a high approval rating, as 82 pct of participants said they view his first moves positively, versus 15.1 pct who said they view them negatively. Another 2.9 pct didn’t answer. (source: ana-mpa)