
Friday, February 20, 2015

REPORT: Greece may have sent Germany the wrong letter on Thursday (GREK)

There might have been a paperwork issue in Greece. A report from newswire MNI, citing German-language publication Bild Zeitung, said that Greece may have sent Germany the wrong letter on Thursday.  According to MNI: The Greek government accidentally sent the wrong letter to Brussels on Thursday with the intended version going a step further accepting conditions agreed to by the previous government, Germany's Bild Zeitung reported Friday citing government sources. According to the report, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in cooperation with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem Wednesday had prepared a letter to secure support of bailout partners. MNI's report added that according to Bild Zeitung, "in conversations with Dijsselbloem and German chancellor Angela Merkel, Tsipras described the letter as an 'administrative mistake.'" As of 11:15 am ET on Friday, however, no report had yet been made available on Bild Zeitung's website. The report from Bild Zeitung that Greece sent the wrong letter also crossed in a headline on Bloomberg and was carried by analysts at ForexLive as well.  European finance ministers are currently in Brussels seeking to hammer out a deal on Greece's debt. The main point of contention is that Germany wants Greece to agree to an extension of its current bailout agreement, while Greece wants there to be an entirely new program.  On Thursday, leaked documents showed that Germany objected to Greece's proposal, calling its offer a "Trojan Horse." This latest report on Friday, however, makes it seem like that might not have been the right letter at all.SEE ALSO: The ECB is preparing for a Grexit Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: Nationwide's Super Bowl commercial about dead children is about corporate profits ... in a way that we can all appreciate