
Monday, February 2, 2015

Podemos "March for Change" gathers 100.000 in Madrid

by  NEOnline | KT Counting down the time until Spain experiences a similar political change as Greece, more than 100.000 demonstrators rallied on Madrid's “Puerta del Sol” in support of “Podemos”, the Spanish anti-austerity party that was created just a year earlier and is now the second in Spain in terms of membership while opinion polls predict that it may win the parliamentary elections at the end of 2015. Shouting slogans like “first we take Athens then we take Berlin” and “Tic Tac, Tic Tac” counting down the time until the election win and the reversal of austerity policies, the demonstrators listened to party founder and leader, Pablo Iglesias Turrión, one of five Podemos MEPs saying that a "wind of change" is starting to blow through Europe. “We dream but we take our dream seriously. More has been done in Greece in six days than many governments did in years” he added referring to the win of “SYRIZA” in Greece's parliamentary elections just a week earlier.