
Monday, February 23, 2015

Moscovici: EU is not Reviewing a ‘Plan B’ for Greece

The European Commission wants Greece to stay in the Eurozone and is not reviewing a “Plan B” on the country’s exit from the monetary union, EU Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici said in a TV interview on Monday. Asked whether he is examining a plan for Greece’s possible exit from the Eurozone, which according to German magazine Spiegel is being considered by the European Central Bank (ECB), Moscovici said: “Not only am I not reviewing a plan for a possible Greek exit [from the Eurozone], but I banned even reviewing such a plan. There is no plan B.” “Generally, when there is a Plan B, it means we don’t believe in Plan A anymore,” he added in an interview to French TV station France 2. The EU Commissioner said he expects Athens’ proposals by this evening, adding that it has been made clear “we have to be both ambitious and realistic.” He also explained what the EU is expecting from Athens’ list. “This will be an initial list of reforms, not a full program. Besides, it’s not up to the Europeans to praise or reject what the Greek government wants. But it [the Greek government] will have to provide its philosophy for the full program.“ The important thing is that once measures from SYRIZA’s program are included in the list, they will have to replace other measures – but the final result must produce a balanced fiscal plan, the EU official noted. “Therefore, we wait.” Moscovici concluded by arguing the list must be realistic, include SYRIZA’s measures, but also take into account the country’s fiscal stability, the need for creditworthiness and the understanding that the debt has to be repaid. (source: ana-mpa)