
Monday, February 9, 2015

Looking Beyond the Economic Impact of a Greece-less EMU

eurozone.jpg Home Page News Page What about NATO? The discussion about Greece and its future in the monetary union, or like Greenspan opined, the lack thereof, has focused on economic issues to the near-exclusion of all else.  This is myopic.  There are important geostrategic interests at stake. The discussion about Greece and its future in the monetary union, or like Greenspan opined, the lack thereof, has focused on economic issues to the near-exclusion of all else.  This is myopic.  There are important geostrategic interests at stake.  Historians continue to debate what country lost at Yalta, the territorial settlement at the end of WWII that recognized a Soviet sphere of influence in eastern and central Europe.  Will they one day debate who lost Greece? See Also links url: Title:  The Impact of the ECB's Decisions Regarding Greek Debt Largely Confined to Greece See Also type:  Reference read more