
Monday, February 23, 2015

Kalashnikov Used in Murder of Domokos Warden Traced to Attempted Bank Robbery

The Kalashnikov rifle used in the attack against the chief warden of Domokos’ high security prison on Saturday was also used in an armed robbery at a National Bank of Greece (NBG) branch in Aspropyrgos, in 2012, according to the ongoing police investigation. 47-year-old Serafeim (Makis) Galimanis was gunned down by unknown individuals who fired 20 times against him as he was leaving his house, using a Kalashnikov and a 9mm pistol. The ballistics test showed the bullets from the Kalashnikov matched those collected by Greek Police outside NBG on September 2, 2012, when unknown individuals attempted to break down the branch’s door using a stolen jeep. When they failed, they started shooting against the bank and then ran away, abandoning the jeep at the spot. Authorities also said that neither weapon has been linked to a terrorist attack but investigation on the bullets will continue in order to determine whether they were used in other criminal activities besides the one against the bank. (source: ana-mpa)