
Saturday, February 28, 2015

‘International Eat a Pitogyro Day’ in Thessaloniki

There are several international days for health, social and racial discrimination, as well as other human-related matters. This year however, Thessaloniki in northern Greece will celebrate the first ever international day dedicated to pitogyro –pita with gyro and other condiments. This event may not be recognized by the United Nations or announced by an important international organization but from now on Thessalonians will honor their favorite food on May 3. The International Eat a Pitogyro Day has been organized by locals, while more than 14,000 people have RSVP’d οn the relevant Facebook page. “This event does not exclude anyone on the basis of their sex, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation (like Christmas, Mother’s day, Sinterklaas or Coming Out Day). Everybody can join the fun,” wrote the Facebook page administrators. Furthermore, the event’s Facebook page is filled with comments fueling the constant disagreement between Athenians and Thessalonians regarding the name of pitogyro, with Athenians claiming it should be called souvlaki and Thessalonians insisting on calling it pitogyro.