
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

IMF: The Troika Cannot be Easily Abolished

International Monetary Fund (IMF) officials have sent a clear message to Greece, warning that the new government’s plan to abolish the Troika representing the country’s creditors, cannot be easily fulfilled. As they highlighted, there might have been a contact between Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and IMF head Christine Lagarde, but that is it, there are also other procedures in the Fund and she is not in charge of the Greek program. According to a Greek TV network “Mega” report, IMF sources, commenting on the Greek government’s contacts and the speculation of the last few days regarding the abolition of the Troika, underlined that Lagarde can talk with the Greek Premier at any time, but she will not take part in the negotiations, as the person in charge of the Greek program at the moment is Rishi Goyal. US Mediation Mission Furthermore, according to other reports, U.S. President Barack Obama, who has openly discussed a policy change in the case of Greece, with less austerity measures, intents to send a mission to Athens in order to hold talks with the Greek government. Early information revealed that the mission will consist of senior U.S. Treasury officials who have gained debt crisis experience and participated in previous missions under U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. In addition, the group will undertake the mediation between the Greek government and the European Union for a commonly accepted solution that will end the clash between Athens and Brussels.