
Monday, February 23, 2015

IMF Chief Christine Lagarde Expresses Optimism For Greece

In a HuffPost Live interview Monday, IMF Chief Christine Lagarde told Arianna Huffington that she remains optimistic for Greece's economic future, as Huffington's native land continues talks about a bailout extension with its creditors. Representatives of Greece and its creditors announced on Friday they had reached a deal to extend the country's bailout by four months. As part of the deal, Greece is expected to submit a plan for economic reforms this week. Lagarde said she hoped the Greek government and European officials can continue productive talks on Greece's future. "The dialogue has to be restored. Trust has to be built," Lagarde said. "All of that has to be with different platforms in mind. It's not just about growth, it's not just about fiscal. It's about making sure that the Greek economy can, on a sustainable basis, be more solid, more effective, create jobs ... if they can all go in that direction, listening to each other, not being in a posture type of exchange, I think we'll be making great progress." Lagarde said the discussions about Greece's future should not focus on "austerity or nothing," but the IMF chief emphasized she does believe that Greece needs to go through structural reforms to make sure the sacrifices Greek people have made in recent years don't go to waste. "The focus should really be on how to capitalize on the efforts that have been made so far," Lagarde said. Watch the full HuffPost Live conversation here. Sign up here for Live Today, HuffPost Live's new morning email that will let you know the newsmakers, celebrities and politicians joining us that day and give you the best clips from the day before!