
Friday, February 20, 2015

Greek ‘Model School’ Board Resigns

The governing board members of 60 Greek experimental and model schools (DEPPS) submitted their resignation on Thursday, February 19, after an argument with the Greek Minister of Education Aristidis Baltas. The Greek Minister has made it his mission to put an end to entry examinations for experimental and model institutions. According to board members during a meeting with the minister, Baltas became very insulting, while at some point he even referred to the schools’ operation as reminiscent of Hitler’s era. However, the Greek Education Ministry is denying that such a comment was ever made, while the board members insist that the minister did use the term “Hitler-like” when referring to the exams that the students have to take in order to be admitted in the schools. After much discussion the DEPPS governing board admitted that the minister had been exaggerating. The Greek Education Ministry claims that entry exams for experimental institutions promote an elitist regime and Baltas noted that the “the pursuit of excellence was driven by a warped logic.” On the other hand, New Democracy is accusing the government of attempting to demolish institutions that have shown results over the last years. “The board has worked without resources or financial reward for the last four years,” said the DEPPS board members. “Its only goal was to create a network of 60 schools that serve as an example for practices in the primary and secondary education sector.” The resigning board members have arranged a conference for next week where they are expected to explain the reasons behind their disagreement with the Greek minister.