
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Greek Govt Spokesman: We have not Changed Our Stance on Greek Debt

The government’s firm position is that the Greek debt is not sustainable and that is the reason why its write-off is required, government spokesman Gavriil Sakellaridis on Tuesday told ANT1 TV. Sakellaridis stressed that the government has not changed its stance, which may have disappointed some people. He underlined that the write-off can occur in several technical methods and one of them is “the technical method presented by [Finance Minister Yanis] Varoufakis to British investors.” However, he said, the government is concerned with rendering the debt sustainable, in order to help the Greek society breathe. Referring to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ contacts with Europeans, Sakellaridis said that the government has strengthened Greece’s negotiation position. As for the candidate for the President of the Hellenic Republic, he said that the government’s proposal will soon be announced. “When the Prime Minister returns and the parliament opens, there will be an announcement regarding the candidate and we will smoothly proceed with the election of the President of the Hellenic Republic,” Sakellaridis noted. Regarding the possibility of a meeting between the Greek Prime Minister and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he said that the Greek side has not made any moves yet. “This has not been finalized, the Greek side has not made any moves in order to plan a meeting between Tsipras and Merkel. If there is such a meeting, you will be informed. It is a long time until February 12,” he concluded. (source: ana-mpa)