
Monday, February 2, 2015

Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis goes casual at number 10

A leather overcoat and a jazzy shirt? Not usual attire for an international finance meeting. Well done Yanis VaroufakisIf you want to seriously debate the Greek debt deal then look away now. But if you want some sartorial analysis of the day Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis walked into Downing Street channelling Shaun Ryder, circa Black Grape It’s Great When You’re Straight ... Yeah era, then take a seat.It was apparent from the photocall on Downing Street that we were witnessing a bit of a fashion moment. There was Osborne, himself riding high on his rebooted fashion skills with his Julius-Caesar haircut and properly fitting suit, shaking hands with a man wearing a Wetherspoon’s-appropriate bright-blue shirt and an early-1990s madchester drug dealer’s coat. The shaved head, the feet apart hands-in-pockets bouncer’s stance and the easy grin serving to underline the look. Continue reading...