
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Greek Defense Minister: USA, Russia, China Could Lend to Greece

Defense Minister and president of junior coalition partner ANEL, Panos Kammenos, said that Greece has a Plan B in case negotiations with its European partners fail. He said that Greece can turn to the U.S., Russia or China for financial support. Speaking in an interview on Mega television, Kammenos clarified that the country’s main objective is to agree with its European lenders on a solution that is satisfactory for both sides. The defense minister expressed his optimism that negotiations will be successful for Greece. However, he said, the Plan B the new government has is ask the U.S., Russia or China for financial aid. “We have another shot to find money. The plan B is to be funded by some other side, which may be the U.S., Russia, China or other countries,” Kammenos said. Kammenos said he has very good relations with Russia and that the Greek side is discussing the plan B with Russia. “They are thinking of lifting the embargo on Greek products and resume imports,” he said, adding that “we are interested in cooperating with Russia on the (gas) pipeline.” The defense minister also said that he is not afraid of a Grexit and he wants Greece in the euro zone, but not “in Europe under German domination.” On the coalition with leftist SYRIZA, Kammenos said he doesn’t agree on some things. He doesn’t agree with Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis on 60-70 percent of the memorandum and disagrees with the abolition of maximum security prisons by the new justice minister. “it is natural to have differences with SYRIZA. But we don’t back down on the red lines we have set. This is the agreement we made with Mr. Tsipras. We didn’t sign any papers, we gave our word of honor,” Kammenos said.