
Friday, February 20, 2015

Greek Artist Envisions Crisis on Banknotes

Stefanos Andreadis is a Greek artist who feels strongly against the current situation in the European Union. Looking for a way to express his disappointment toward the institution, Andreadis thought outside the box. Since last February, the young Greek artist has been painting little black figures of tiny people on euro banknotes. Through his art he aims to represent the consequences of the Greek financial crisis, as well as the violence and despair that people in Greece are faced with due to the recession and the Memoranda. After painting the small figures that are usually shown revolting, breaking away or even committing suicide, Andreadis scans his creations and uploads them on The young artist is not keen on wasting money, so after painting the banknotes, he uses them and passes them on to other people. “Looking at the European banknotes picturing landscapes, I was impressed by the lack of realism. Over the last five years, the Greek economic collapse has caused violence and social regression. I decided to merge these two elements,” said the artist on the website.