
Friday, February 27, 2015

Greece's First anti-SYRIZA Demo Ends in Violence

Clashes between police and demonstration followed on Thursday evening the first anti-government protest against the Greek government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.As many as 450 people took to the streets, and 50 of then took part in the unrest that followed suit. Police were pelted with stones and petrol bombs, and vehicles were set ablaze. The demo was organized by the communist party KKE. Demonstrators were venting their anger at a move by Athens to agree to an extension of the financial aid it is currently receiving in return of reforms, even though the Greek cabinet was granted by Eurozone ministers the right to elaborate its own reform agenda.Reform proposals of the government include measures to crack down on tax evasion and smuggling and not to reverse existing privatization deals. At the same time Athens is able to review and put a wheel on ongoing ones upon its own judgment.Later on Friday, the move to extend Greece's bailout program is to be voted in the German Parliament, and various Eurozone member states are also to have a motion in Parliament.Last week Eurozone finance ministers agreed to extend the bailout, after a month-long dispute with their Greek counterpart Yanis Varoufakis, who had resisted the step. In case of failure, Greece would have run out of money by this Saturday.However, Tsipras's SYRIZA, a far-left party which swept to power on an anti-austerity, anti-bailout ticket, has remained divided over the deal. International lenders have provided Greece with EUR 240 B.