
Monday, February 23, 2015

Greece to Unveil List of Reforms Pending EU Approval

The Greek government is due to present a new list of reforms following Friday's agreement that its bailout program will be extended by four months.Athens secured last week the right to "update" its list of reform, thus becoming more able to steer its own agenda, but failed to avoid a continuation of its bailout program - what Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had vowed not to allow during his election campaign.Measures to fight tax evasion and make the civil sector more efficient are included in the new list, English-language Kathimerini quotes Minister of State Nikos Pappas as saying.According to Germany's Bild, the former move might help generate up to EUR 7.3 B in revenues. At home, Tsipras's government was attacked over the weekend for selling "illusions" to voters.However, it was not only the opposition that hurled accusations; WWII veteran Manolis Glezos, a serving MEP from SYRIZA, wrote in a blog: "I apologize to the Greek people because I took part in this illusion."Tsipras himself maintained in a televised address that the Friday agreement was a "success" for his country. Eurozone finance ministers have to examine the proposals before approving them and the bailout extension on the Tuesday Eurogroup meeting.