
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Greece has lost the gamble but can still come up trumps

A month after Syriza’s victory the euphoria has gone. But they can now drive their own reformsSyriza’s victory in the Greek elections at the end of January gave hope to some that the eurozone would change its economic policy. But a month and many hours of painful diplomatic arm-wrestling later, those hopes have clearly been dashed.Even if Friday’s agreement between Greece and its lenders is approved by eurozone ministers on Tuesday, it decides very little apart from ensuring that the next four months will be a battle of attrition. The eurozone will look to keep the new government in Athens in check, and the Syriza-led coalition will try to eke out fiscal space for some of the policies it has promised. Related: Greece drafts menu of reforms to appease eurozone creditors The country’s fragility lies in the fact that it cannot fund itself and is shut out of international bond marketsIf all sides regress the Greek people will pay an even heavier price than they already have over the last five years Continue reading...