
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Greece deal: first step on the road back to austerity

The extension of the Greek bailout with barely a concession to Yanis Varoufakis’s demands proves only that Europe wants him to stick with the programmeThe rightwing orthodoxy that dominates thinking in Brussels has asserted itself over the hapless Greeks. A deal that allows the eurozone policymakers, the International Monetary Fund and the government of Athens to keeping talking next week is the first stage in a clampdown on anti-austerity sentiment.That much was clear from the statements coming out of Brussels, not least those from Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s veteran finance minister, who indulged himself with some patronising comments to show where the power lies. “Being in government is a date with reality, and reality is often not as nice as a dream,” was the quip he delivered with a smile, one that is usually omitted from diplomacy school. Related: Eurozone chiefs strike deal to extend Greek bailout for four months Continue reading...