
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Former Greek PM Samaras Calls on Opposition Parties to Form Pro-European Front

Former Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras called on opposition parties “To Potami” and PASOK to form a pro-European front after this evening’s impasse in Eurogroup negotiations over the Greek debt. After Greece’s failure to come to an agreement with international lenders over its bailout program, Samaras called PASOK chief Evangelos Venizelos and “To Potami” leader Stavros Theodorakis to discuss recent developments. According to anonymous sources in the New Democracy camp, Samaras wants to coordinate pro-European forces in the Greek parliament and asked the two party leaders to form a pro-European front. In a written statement, Samaras stressed that “a head-on collision is not a solution” and urged the government to continue negotiations. “The deadlock is a very unpleasant development. Despite that, the government must remain in the process of negotiation. It is the only way for a positive development for our country. A negotiation that must be conducted responsibly, given the seriousness of the situation. We have come a long way to throw it all away. The head-on collision is not a solution,” Samaras underlined. Although it is not known what exactly the New Democracy President said, the two party leaders preferred to keep their distance, according to a PASOK member. Allegedly, “To Potami” leader said that it is the government’s responsibility to consult with other parties and “Mr. Tsipras should call a meeting of political leaders of the pro-European forces in the country.” On his part, Venizelos reportedly replied to Samaras, “I have reservations over this. I will ask for an official briefing by the government in any institutional way they find expedient.” According to PASOK sources, Venizelos told Samaras he should expect an immediate, formal and in-depth briefing of all parties by the government. “PASOK has already asked for a briefing in order to ensure that the path the government is following is for the benefit of citizens and the economy,” was PASOK’s statement.