
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Critical Dates that Will Determine Greece’s Future

The discussion regarding the new Greek government program will close, after the parliament vote of confidence process which will take place today, February 10 at midnight. Meanwhile, media and public attention is focusing on the outcome of negotiations with EU leaders. The Greek Prime Minister’s close associates expressed their optimism about reaching a “mutual and beneficial agreement.” The Greek government will face a difficult month, with tight timelines and pressure from the country’s partners and lenders. The partners are demanding to hear the government’s program without showing their own cards before the emergency Eurogroup meeting. This is a detailed schedule including all the critical dates that will determine Greece ’s future: February 9: Greek parliament to hold vote of confidence in new anti-austerity government after Syriza-led coalition presents its policies to MPs. February 11: Emergency Eurogroup meeting, the committee of 19 Eurozone finance ministers, to kick-start negotiations over a possible new bailout for Greece. February 12: EU summit in Brussels, the first attended by Greek PM Alexis Tsipras, who is expected to meet German chancellor Angela Merkel on the sidelines. February 16: Regularly scheduled Eurogroup meeting which ministers have said is the deadline to agree on an extension of the EU’s bailout program, which Tsipras has already rejected. February 28: Eurozone bailout program ends. Without an extension, Athens will not receive the final aid tranche of €1.8bn. March: €1.4bn payment due on IMF loan and around €1bn to other creditors.