
Friday, February 27, 2015

Carlos Latuff’s New Cartoon About Greece and PM Tsipras

Internationally acclaimed Brazilian-Arab cartoonist Carlos Latuff has yet again turned his pen on Greece and the country’s ongoing financial thriller. Today, Latuff portrayed Greece being rather mad with the newly elected leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsirpas. In Latuff’s eyes, Tsipras is sitting on a desk and opposite him sits a European Union official who gives the Greek Premier a thumbs up. Next to Tsipras stands critical a woman, dressed in the Greek colors, who is holding a magnifying glass on one hand and the agreement reached on Tuesday between Athens and its Eurozone loan partners on the other. Tsipras appears sweaty and bewildered with his hands raised in an apologetic stance. On his Twitter account, Latuff explained: “SYRIZA makes concessions to reach a deal with the Eurogroup.” Two weeks ago, Latuff portrayed the Greek Prime Minister holding the same woman (Greece) in order not to collapse, as he is returning a folder that reads a crossed out “austerity” to the same European Union faceless official. The image of the arm around the new Greek Premier, who was seen as the country’s only foothold, sums the feelings and optimism many Greeks shared after his electoral win on January 25 that he will put an end to austerity.