
Monday, February 9, 2015

'Bit player' Britain risks being stuck on foreign policy sidelines

With elections looming, do voters really want Britain to take a back seat in global affairs?Do you ever wake up thinking that the world is daily becoming a more dangerous place and that international leadership seems to be increasingly inadequate to the task of managing multiple crises? So do I. Ukraine? The still-unravelling violence and oppression across the Middle East? The Greek austerity crisis? We start this week with all three in more volatile shape than a week ago.But what remains of post-imperial British power projection is more marginal to any of these threatening events than at any time I can remember in my lifetime. Is that what voters want, a parochial, inward-focused country that deals with its own pressing problems and hopes that the rest of the world won’t get in its way too much or scarecommercial aircraft over the Channel and North Sea? Continue reading...