
Thursday, February 12, 2015

BC-AP News Coverage Advisory

by  Associated Press BC-AP News Coverage Advisory Associated Press - 12 February 2015 10:49-05:00 Here's a look at how AP's general news coverage is shaping up today. Some plans are subject to change. HIGHLIGHTING: Among today's coverage highlights as we see them at 1545 GMT: -- UKRAINE (sent; developing) -- THREE KILLED-NORTH CAROLINA (sent; developing) -- IRAN-METH CRAZE (upcoming) -- EGYPT-AL-JAZEERA (sent) -- PENTAGON CHIEF (sent; developing) -- OBAMA VETOES (upcoming) -- HEALTH OVERHAUL (upcoming) -- BOB SIMON (sent; developing with new angles) -- PORT LABOR (sent; developing) -- FIREEYE-SPOTLIGHT ON HACKER SLEUTHS (upcoming) TALKERS/READERS: -- SKOREA-NUT RAGE-Q&A (sent) -- POLAND-BOY SURVIVES FREEZE (sent) -- JOHNSON & JOHNSON-DISEASE PREVENTION (sent) -- STEP AWAY FROM THAT EMAIL (sent) -- EXPEDIA-ORBITZ (sent; developing with new angles) -- CELEBRITIES-DESTINATIONS (upcoming) -- FACEBOOK-AFTERLIFE (sent) CHUNKY TEXT/ALTERNATIVE FORMATS: -- UKRAINE-WHO GOT WHAT (sent) -- SKOREA-NUT RAGE-Q&A (sent) -- UN-CLIMATE TALKS (sent) PHOTOS: UKRAINE - Marathon talks produce Ukraine peace deal; cease-fire Sunday. SENT: 1,050 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: Developing. THAILAND-TIGER TEMPLE - Famed 'Tiger Temple,' where big cats live alongside Buddhist monks, cleared of mistreatment. SENT: 130 words, photos. HOMELESS-PHOTO ESSAY - About 3,000 people who are part of the Homeless Workers Movement have pitched paltry shelters on six large tracts of land in and around Brazil's capital . SENT: 280 words, photos. Also noting: VALENTINES-HOW WE MET-PHOTO GALLERY - AP PHOTOS: How do we find each other? On a walk, a ship, online; every Valentine has a story. (First moved Wednesday; available for use through Valentine's Day. Please note the extended photo captions, which have each couple's story embedded.) VIDEO: UKRAINE - Marathon talks produce Ukraine peace deal; cease-fire Sunday. SENT: 1,050 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: Developing. ITA COSTA CONCORDIA - Costa Concordia captain convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to 16 years in prison. SENT late Wednesday: 820 words, photos, video. Here are details of those stories, plus others we have in the works for today and notable pieces that we sent in the past 10 hours: WORLD UKRAINE - Guns will fall silent, heavy weapons will pull back from the front, and Ukraine will trade a broad autonomy for the east to get back control of its Russian border by the end of this year under a peace deal hammered out Thursday in all-night negotiations between Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany. SENT: 1,050 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: Developing. UKRAINE-WHO GOT WHAT - A look at what they did and did not agree upon, and who won and lost in the process. SENT: 530 words. IRAN-METH CRAZE -Methamphetamine production and abuse are skyrocketing in the country, partly because Iranian dealers are profiting so handsomely from sales to overstressed students and exhausted double-jobbers. UPCOMING: 650 words by 1900 GMT, photos. EGYPT-AL-JAZEERA - An Egyptian judge orders the release on bail of two Al-Jazeera English journalists and demands that one of them, a Canadian defendant, pay a $33,000 bail. SENT: 840 words, photos. SKOREA-NUT RAGE- The inflight tantrum dubbed "nut rage" culminates Thursday in a one year prison sentence for Korean Air heiress Cho Hyun-ah. SENT: 810 words, photos. — SKOREA-NUT RAGE-Q&A - How South Korea's "nut rage" episode became the talk of the global village. SENT: 720 words, photo. POLAND-BOY SURVIVES FREEZE - A Polish toddler found unconscious in freezing temperatures in November has left the hospital after months of treatment that saved his life and restored limb functions. SENT: 300 words, photos. VATICAN-REFORM - Pope Francis urged his cardinals Thursday to cooperate in reforming the outdated and dysfunctional Vatican bureaucracy, saying the overhaul will help him govern the Catholic Church better and spread the faith more effectively. SENT: 320 words, photos. GREECE-BAILOUT- Though first round of Greek bailout talks yields no result, markets hopeful for compromise. SENT: 780 words, photos. EUROPE-TERROR - European Union leaders debate a range of ambitious steps to better protect their 28 nations, including exchanging airliner passenger manifests, tightening controls at the border and combating extremism on the Internet. SENT: 820 words, photo. FRANCE ATTACKS-WIFE - Islamic State publication claims interview with wife of French attacker Coulibaly. SENT: 130 words. PAKISTAN - A Pakistani army spokesman says 12 local Taliban militants involved in a deadly school attack late last year have been arrested. SENT: 130 words. LEBANON-HARIRI ANNIVERSARY - Lebanon plagued by divisions, justice still elusive 10 years after Hariri's assassination. SENT: 800 words, photos. ISRAEL-BABYLONIAN ARTIFACTS - Ancient tablets displayed in Jerusalem part of debate over looting of antiquities in Mideast. SENT: 910 words, photos. CARIBBEAN-GENDER GAP - Jamaican women have made such big advances in professions once dominated by men that a new U.N. study says the country has the world's highest proportion of female bosses: nearly 60 percent. SENT: 920 words, photos. MALAYSIA-MISSING PLANE - Chinese relatives demand Malaysian officials rescind declaration that all on board missing plane are dead. SENT: 290 words. FRANCE-ATTACKS-WIFE - Islamic State extremists' publication claims interview with wife of French attacker Coulibaly. SENT: 160 words, photo. SOUTH KOREA-ZOO KEEPER DEATH - Animal keeper dies after being attacked by lions at South Korean zoo. SENT: 170 words. TAIWAN-HOSTAGES HELD - Six inmates led by a mob boss commit suicide at a prison after a failed breakout attempt, officials say. SENT: 680 words, photos. TONGA-FIRST CARDINAL — Churches dot the heavily Christian, tiny island of Tonga and choirs can be heard singing on any day of the week. So, many in the Pacific nation of 106,000 are overjoyed that the Catholic Church is making a Tongan a cardinal, even though a majority of islanders are Protestant. Sent: 840 words, photos. AUSTRALIA-TERRORISM - One of two men charged with planning to launch a terrorist attack in Australia appeared on a video threatening to stab the kidneys and necks of their victims, the prime minister says, accusing the pair of "monstrous extremism." SENT: 490 words. UNITED STATES-SRI LANKA - Sri Lanka's new government that won a surprise election victory last month calls for a postponement in the publication of a U.N. investigation into alleged war crimes during the island nation's civil war. SENT: 440 words. WORLD PRESS PHOTO - Danish photographer's touching image of gay couple in Russia wins World Press Photo award. SENT: 360 words, photos, with WORLD PRESS PHOTOS-LIST. US: THREE KILLED-NORTH CAROLINA - Family and friends bury three Muslims whom police say were slain by a neighbor who described himself as a "gun toting" atheist. Meanwhile, donations to a charity the victims' worked with have surged. SENT: 800 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: 700 words, photos, video by 2130 GMT. THREE KILLED-NORTH CAROLINA-VICTIMS - Family, friends: 3 young people gunned down in North Carolina left a legacy of helping others. SENT: 600 words, photos, video. EXCHANGE STUDENT SHOT - A Montana homeowner is facing sentencing in the shotgun killing of a German exchange student who had been trespassing in the defendant's garage. SENT: 130 words, photos. UPCOMING: Will be updated from 1530 GMT hearing. PENTAGON CHIEF - Senate is ready to confirm Obama's pick to run the Pentagon. A vote is scheduled for Thursday afternoon on Ashton Carter's nomination. SENT: 130 words. UPCOMING: 550 words by 2130 GMT, photos. OBAMA-WAR POWERS-ANALYSIS — Seeking war power authority for three years, Obama is setting up the prospect that his successor will become the third American president in a row overseeing U.S. military forces grappling with turmoil in the Middle East. Passing on an active military mission in the region would be an unexpected and unwanted legacy for Obama. An AP News Analysis. SENT: 790 words, photos. PRESIDENTIAL RACE-2016-CONVENTION - Democrats have picked Philadelphia as the site of their 2016 national convention where they will nominate the part's next presidential candidate. SENT: 130 words. UPCOMING: Developing. PRESIDENTIAL RACE-LONDON CALLING - So far this campaign season trips to England have been anything but merry for several prospective Republican candidates hoping to pad their resumes with a little foreign policy experience. SENT: 600 words. PRESIDENTIAL RACE-BIDEN - Vice President Joe Biden fading from 2016 campaign chatter. SENT: 460 words, photo. UPCOMING: 600 words after 1700 GMT speech. AMERICAN SNIPER-TRIAL - Widow of slain "American Sniper" gives emotional testimony as murder trial begins in Texas. SENT: 700 words, photos. GAY MARRIAGE-ALABAMA - Federal judge plans hearing on whether Alabama probate judge can deny same-sex marriage licenses. SENT: 150 words. UPCOMING: developing from 1900 GMT hearing. NEW ENGLAND MOB — Prosecutors argue that the conviction and 40-year prison sentence given to a former FBI agent tied to mobster James "Whitey" Bulger should be upheld. UPCOMING: 400 words by 2100 GMT. Developing from 1500 GMT. MARINE-DESERTION TRIAL - After delays, opening statements expected in trial of Marine who vanished in Iraq in 2004. SENT: 130 words. UPCOMING: Developing after hearing, beginning at 1400 GMT. HEALTH JOHNSON & JOHNSON-DISEASE PREVENTION - Johnson & Johnson starts ambitious projects to predict who'll get a disease — then prevent it. SENT: 900 words. SCIENCE OCEAN PLASTICS (HOLD FOR RELEASE, 1900 GMT) - Every year about 10 million tons of plastic waste gets into the world's oceans and more than half of it comes from just five Pacific nations. UPCOMING: HOLD FOR RELEASE, 1900 GMT, 450 words, photos. UN-CLIMATE TALKS - 5 crunch issues that need to be resolved before a global climate deal can be reached in Paris. SENT: 700 words. POP CULTURE/LIFESTYLES FACEBOOK-AFTERLIFE - What happens to your Facebook account if you die? Facebook will now let users pick a trusted contact who can manage their account or elect to have the account deleted. SENT: 300 words. FIFTY SHADES-OPPOSITION - 'Fifty Shades of Grey' gets thumbs-down from religious, other groups who say it degrades women. SENT: 650 words, photo. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT BOB SIMON - A look at the career of the '60 Minutes' correspondent who died in a car crash, along with more reporting on the accident itself. UPCOMING. STEWART-WILLIAMS-2 TV GUYS - Jon Stewart and Brian Williams: 2 big TV stars with opposite fates departing their shows. SENT: 1,040 words, photos. CELEBRITIES-DESTINATIONS - It made sense for Dolly Parton to promote her Tennessee hometown, but destinations usually pick celebrities to target a certain type of visitor rather than to highlight the celebrity's connection to the place. UPCOMING: 800 words by noon, photos. OSCARS-TIMING - This year's best-picture field — featuring several early-year releases — has done more than most to upend traditional notions of awards season, a highly orchestrated red-carpet ballet with rhythms that may be changing. UPCOMING: 900 words by 2000 GMT, photos. OSCARS-ASIA - Asia is frustratingly absent on the Academy Awards shortlists. SENT: 1,010 words, photos. TECH STEP AWAY FROM THAT EMAIL - A growing number of companies, including Twitter, are trying to ensure that their workers are security-savvy by sending spoof phishing emails to see if anyone will bite. SENT: 790 words, photo. XIAOMI SHOWS OFF - Xiaomi is gobbling up the cheap smartphone market in China and billions in venture capital. With a former Google exec in charge of global expansion, how soon before Xiaomi shows off its wares in the U.S.. UPCOMING: 700 words by 2100 GMT. BUSINESS /ECONOMY EXPEDIA-ORBITZ - How much harder will it be for travelers to find a good deal now that Expedia's is buying rival Orbitz less than a month after it bought Travelocity? SENT: 220 words. UPCOMING: Will be updated after conference call. PORT LABOR — Companies that operate marine terminals said they weren't calling workers to unload ships Thursday that carry car parts, furniture, clothing, electronics — just about anything made in Asia and destined for U.S. consumers. Containers of U.S. exports won't get loaded either. SENT: 630 words, photos. UPCOMING: Developing. PHOTOGRAPHY SPAIN-MADRID FASHION-PHOTO GALLERY - Madrid Fashion Week celebrates 30th anniversary, featuring 44 designers and brands. SENT: 130 words, photos. News Topics: General news, Homicide, Assault and battery, Violent crime, Presidential elections, Celebrity legal affairs, 2016 United States Presidential Election, Legal proceedings, Trials, Environmental policy, United States Presidential Election, Crime, Aviation accidents and incidents, Celebrity, Government and politics, International relations, Peace treaties, National elections, Elections, Entertainment, Arts and entertainment, Events, Law and order, Environment, Environment and nature, Government policy, Transportation accidents, Accidents, Accidents and disasters, Transportation, Treaties, International agreements, Peace process, Diplomacy People, Places and Companies: Johnson & Johnson, Expedia Inc, Bob Simon, Pope Francis, Ashton Carter, Joe Biden, Jon Stewart, Dolly Parton, United States, Tonga, France, Ukraine, Spain, Poland, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Middle East, Russia, East Asia, North America, Oceania, Western Europe, Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, South Asia, North Africa, Africa Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. 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