
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

BC-AP News Coverage Advisory 1530

by  Associated Press BC-AP News Coverage Advisory 1530 Associated Press - 18 February 2015 10:33-05:00 Here's a look at how AP's general news coverage is shaping up today. Some plans are subject to change/ HIGHLIGHTING: Among today's coverage highlights as we see them at 1530 GMT: -- UKRAINE (sent; developing) -- WHITE HOUSE-FIGHTING EXTREMISTS (sent; developing) -- SYRIA (sent; developing) -- AMERICAN-ISLAMIC STATE (upcoming) -- CHELSEA-RACIST FANS (sent; developing) -- PRESIDENTIAL RACE-BUSH FOREIGN POLICY (sent; developing) -- RELIGIOUS DIVORCE-COERCION (sent; developing) -- GREECE-BAILOUT (sent; developing) -- TURKEY-POLICE POWERS (sent) -- LOWER GAS PRICES-DELAYED SPENDING (sent) -- OSCARS-DIVERSITY (upcoming) TALKERS/READERS: -- CHELSEA-RACIST FANS (sent; developing) -- AMERICAN-ISLAMIC STATE (upcoming) -- OSCARS-DIVERSITY (upcoming) -- PETS-PAWSCARS (upcoming) -- BRITAIN-FOX HUNTING (sent) -- CUBA-GOING BACK (sent) -- INDIA-MODI'S SUIT (sent) -- INDIA-VANISHING ISLANDS (sent) -- ISRAEL-ANCIENT COINS (sent) -- BRITAIN-PRINCE IN SEWER (sent) -- BOOKS-DOCTOR SEUSS (sent) -- SMART REMOTE CONTROL CHUNKY TEXT/ALTERNATIVE FORMATS: -- CHINESE HOLIDAY-WORLD IMPACT -- IMMIGRATION LAWSUIT-NEWS GUIDE (sent) PHOTOS: MIDEAST-RELIGIOUS CELEBRATION - Thousands of Muslims in Egypt celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad's grandson. SENT: 120 words, photos. CHINA LUNAR NEW YEAR - As the second biggest economy and with a much expanded diaspora, Chinese New Year celebrations reverberate globally. SENT: 1000 words (text keywords CHINESE HOLIDAY-WORLD IMPACT), photos. VIDEO: UKRAINE_WITHDRAWAL - Strategic rail hub of Debaltseve falls as Ukrainian president says government troops are pulling out. SENT: 1,060 words, photos, video Here are details of those stories, plus others we have in the works for today and notable pieces that we sent in the past 10 hours: WORLD UKRAINE - After weeks of relentless fighting, the embattled Ukrainian rail hub of Debaltseve fell Wednesday to Russia-backed separatists, who hoisted a flag in triumph over the town. The Ukrainian president confirmed that he had ordered troops to pull out and the rebels reported taking hundreds of soldiers captive. SENT: 1,060 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: Developing. SYRIA - Syrian rebels on Wednesday regained much of the territory north of the city of Aleppo lost to government troops in fierce fighting the previous day in clashes that left more than 100 dead on both sides, activists said. SENT: 350 words, photo. UPCOMING: Developing; Q&A planned. CHELSEA-RACIST FANS - Paris prosecutor investigates soccer fans who stopped a black man from boarding a subway train. SENT: 650 words, photo. UPCOMING: Developing. Note: video is unavailable. BOSNIA-TERRORISM ARRESTS - Bosnian police arrests suspected Islamic State fighters and their financiers. SENT: 270 words. CHINESE HOLIDAY-WORLD IMPACT - As China goes on holiday for Lunar New Year, business and cultural impact felt globally. SENT: 1,070 words, photos. TURKEY-POLICE POWERS - Chairs flew and lawmakers traded punches. A brawl in Parliament over a new security bill has forced the spotlight on mounting suspicions that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's real goal is to hand himself more tools to crush dissent. SENT: 800 words, photos. DENMARK SHOOTING -Danish police say the gunman behind weekend shootings at a free speech seminar and a synagogue in Copenhagen used an assault rifle and two hand guns in the attacks. SENT: 500 words, photos. AFRICA-US-MILITARY EXERCISE - US launches annual military exercises with African armies, this year amid Boko Haram threat. SENT: 330 words. POLAND-CIA PRISON - Poland to pay $262,000 to secret CIA prison inmates after European court rejects appeal. SENT: 330 words. MOZAMBIQUE-DEADLY BEER - A man suspected of poisoning the traditional beer that killed more than 70 people has been arrested, Mozambican police said Wednesday. SENT: 180 words. ISRAEL-ANCIENT COINS - Israel on Wednesday unveiled the largest collection of medieval gold coins ever found in the country, accidentally discovered by amateur divers and dating back about a thousand years. SENT: 340 words, photos. INDIA-VANISHING ISLANDS - In the ecologically sensitive and overpopulated Sundarbans, shared by India and Bangladesh, thousands of people have been made homeless by seas that are rising twice as fast as the global average. SENT: 1390 words, photos. CUBA-GOING BACK - New relaxed mood in Communist Cuba amid economic changes, better relations with US. SENT: 1,670 words, photos. VATICAN-GAY CATHOLICS - Gay Catholics get Vatican welcome with VIP seats at pope's audience, but no papal shout-out. SENT: 360 words, photos. PAKISTAN-FIGHTING TO VACCINATE - While vaccine distrust has sparked debates and a measles outbreak in the United States, Pakistan is in a deadly battle to wipe out polio. SENT: 920 words, photos, video. BRITAIN-FOX HUNTING - Fox hunts thrive in Britain a decade after ban, but class-tinged controversy won't go away. SENT: 1,390 words, photos. INDIA-MODI'S SUIT - Modi's suit with its unique monogram-as-pinstripes design auctioned to clean up Ganges MADAGASCAR-POTHOLE POLITICS - Potholes and power blackouts are problems are problems that are causing growing frustration on this island. The president of Madagascar is on the defensive after just over one year in office, and not just over the roads. UPCOMING: 570 words, photos. BRITAIN-PRINCE IN SEWER - Prince Charles gets down and dirty: Royal heir visits London sewer. SENT: 240 words, photos. RUSSIA-PUSSY RIOT - Pussy Riot shown buried alive in new music video dedicated to Eric Garner. SENT: 130 words. BRITAIN-HSBC-NEWSPAPER - Daily Telegraph political commentator resigns over newspaper's coverage of HSBC. SENT: 350 words, photos. US WHITE HOUSE-FIGHTING EXTREMISTS - Obama asserts the U.S. has an advantage over Europe in preventing radicalization because the U.S. has done a better job historically of integrating immigrant communities and including them in society — particularly Muslim immigrants. SENT 600 words. UPCOMING: Updates after 2115 GMT Obama remarks, photo. OBAMA-ARAB WORLD - Obama's view of the U.S. role in the Middle East and North Africa is being challenged by deepening crises in the very countries he has seen as models for his approach to the volatile region: Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya. SENT: 890 words, photos. IMMIGRATION LAWSUIT-NEWS GUIDE - Key issues in the states' lawsuit over Obama's administrative actions on immigration. SENT: 680 words, photos. OBAMA-MALIA-COLLEGE - Obama is missing out on part of his oldest daughter's life: her college campus tours. SENT: 350 words, photo. PRESIDENTIA RACE-BUSH FOREIGN POLICY - Republican presidential prospect Jeb Bush to note difference from brother in speech about U.S. foreign affairs in Chicago. SENT: 560 words. UPCOMING: Updates from 1730 GMT remarks, photos. RELIGIOUS DIVORCE-COERCION -Orthodox rabbi goes on trial Wednesday for allegedly conspiring to kidnap and force Jewish men into granting their wives religious divorces.SENT: 330 words. HAWAII-FORBIDDEN WATERFALL - Hawaii takes to the Web to campaign against hikers who trespass to see beautiful waterfall. SENT: 500 words, photos. DOG SHOW - Miss P became America's top dog by winning best in show in a big surprise at the Westminster Kennel Club. SENT: 530 words, photos. PETS-PAWSCARS - Four days before the Oscars are handed out to the best people in film, the Pawscars will be announced for the top animals on the big screen. SENT: 600 words. NEW YORK FASHION WEEK -OSCAR DE LA RENTA - The Oscar de la Renta luxury label on Tuesday held its first Fashion Week show since the designer's death in October, with his successor, Peter Copping, sending a bevy of luxurious, ultra-feminine looks down the runway on what he called "an emotional day for the house. SENT: 475 words, photos. —NEW YORK FASHION WEEK-WATCH: UPCOMING: 1,000 words by 2200 GMT, photos. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT OSCARS-DIVERSITY - A review of Oscar balloting over the decades tells the story: Actors of color don't win many Academy Awards. We look behind the numbers. Is Hollywood an unequal opportunity employer? UPCOMING: 800 words by 1700 GMT, photos, graphics. OSCARS-NEIL PATRICK HARRIS - A conversation with the award-show world's master host, Neil Patrick Harris, who seems to have the whole thing down to a fine art - or at least a science -- after turns on the Tony, Emmys and now the Oscars. UPCOMING: 500 words by 1700 GMT, photos. TV-KATHY GRIFFIN-FASHION POLICE Kathy Griffin, new host of E! network's "Fashion Police," talks Fashion Week and the upcoming Oscars red carpet — and how she loves to skewer them. UPCOMING: 850 words by 1600 GMT, photos. OSCAR WATCH-DOCUMENTARIES - The motion picture academy honors the documentary nominees Wednesday ahead of the 87th annual Academy Awards. UPCOMING: 500 words by 0000 GMT, photos. PEOPLE-RUTH CARTER - With over 45 film credits to her name across 25 years, not to mention two Oscar nominations, Ruth Carter has carved out an enviable spot for herself. SENT: 700 words, photos. PEOPLE-LINDSAY LOHAN - A prosecutor is scheduled to tell a judge whether he has issues with Lindsay Lohan's community service performed at a London charitable organization. UPCOMING: 250 words, photos. BOOKS-DR SEUSS - Recently discovered Dr. Seuss book coming out in July. SENT: 130 words. ANTIQUITIES COLLECTION-ISRAEL MUSEUM - NYC philanthropists donate antiquities collection to The Israel Museum in Jerusalem. SENT: 500 words, photos. TECH DIGITAL LIFE-REVIEW-UNTETHERED SMARTWATCHES - Smartwatches are getting smarter without a phone nearby. Samsung's Gear S and Sony's SmartWatch 3 stand out in being useful without a phone, such as when you're out for a run or a quick errand. SENT: 590 words, photos. BUSINESS /ECONOMY GREECE-BAILOUT - Greece was preparing Wednesday to present its creditors with an official proposal aimed to save bailout talks from collapse. SENT: 800 words, photos. UPCOMING: Developing. LOWER GAS PRICES-DELAYED SPENDING - For many Americans, money saved at the gas pump is being stashed in pockets, for now. SENT: 770 words. EUROPE-DEFLATION RISK - Cheaper goods in Europe are helping shoppers, but increase longer-term risks to economy. SENT: 800 words, photos. SMART REMOTE CONTROL — Juggling too many remotes? The touch-screen Ray Super Remote will control your TV, cable box, DVR, video game console and streaming player with just a tap of your finger. It will even learn what you like to watch. For a price. SENT: 380 words, photo. News Topics: General news, Celebrity legal affairs, Celebrity, Celebrity fashion, International relations, Academy Awards, Award shows, Arrests, War and unrest, Crime, Fashion shows, Legal proceedings, Movie awards, Lawsuits, Government and politics, Oil and gas industry, Terrorism, Immigration, Freedom of speech, Foreign policy, Entertainment, Arts and entertainment, Fashion design, Events, Law and order, Fashion, Beauty and fashion, Lifestyle, Movies, Energy industry, Industries, Business, Social issues, Social affairs, Human rights and civil liberties, Government policy People, Places and Companies: Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Eric Garner, Jeb Bush, Oscar de la Renta, Neil Patrick Harris, Kathy Griffin, Lindsay Lohan, Dr. Seuss, United Kingdom, Ukraine, China, United States, Israel, Syria, London, Cuba, South Asia, Middle East, Europe, Greece, North Africa, New York, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Greater China, East Asia, Asia, North America, England, Caribbean, Latin America and Caribbean, Africa Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. 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