
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tsipras Aims for Parliament Majority

SYRIZA’s aim is to get the majority of seats in the Greek Parliament on the first election round. “I don’t even want to think about the scenario of a second round,” said the party’s leader Alexis Tsipras in an interview. Furthermore, he expressed his confidence regarding SYRIZA’s victory in the upcoming elections. He believes that people will choose the party not because they have suddenly changed their ideology, but they will choose a path of dignity. When asked about his possible collaboration with other parties in order to form a majority government, Tsipras stated that the party will move based on its own program, while he hinted at his preference, which would be a collaboration with the Greek Communist Party (KKE). Moreover, in regards to SYRIZA’s failure to cooperate with the Democratic Left, Tsipras stated that even though an agreement could not be reached at this point, that does not mean that there will be no cooperation in the future. Tsipras was also questioned about Greece ’s possible exit from the Eurozone. “We should be paranoid to make such a plan,” he said. The debate in Europe has changed and SYRIZA was vindicated he said, stressing that he has no hidden agenda or a plan B. He expressed confidence that SYRIZA’s plan would be accepted in Europe and noted that Angela Merkel will use SYRIZA’s solution and present it as her own success. SYRIZA will request for debt restructuring in order for it to become viable, said Tsipras, noting that he was planning on setting the negotiation bar very high.