
Monday, January 19, 2015

The 10 Most Important Things In The World Right Now

Good morning! Here's what you need to know for Monday.  1. Chinese stocks had their worst day since 2008, following a regulatory crackdown.  2. Belgium has asked Greece to extradite one of the four people detained in connection with a foiled terrorist attack on Belgian police.  3. Tens of thousands of people attended a rally in Russia's Chechnya region on Monday against French magazine Charlie Hebdo's satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.  4. Pope Francis finished his week-long trip to Asia, ending it with a Mass in Manila, Philippines, on Sunday that drew a record seven million people.  5. Boko Haram has kidnapped 80 people after attacks on villages in northern Cameroon.  6. According to former US officials, the National Security Agency broke into North Korean computer networks before the cyber attack on Sony Pictures. 7. An Israeli airstrike in Syria reportedly killed Hezbollah and Iranian commanders.  8. The Oxfam charity said Monday that the richest one percent will own half of the world's wealth by 2016.  9. The European Union plans to appeal a ruling made last month that Hamas should be removed the group's terrorist list.  10. The Seattle Seahawks will face the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX. And finally ...  Miss Israel Doron Matalon triggered an international controversy after posting a photo of herself and Miss Lebanon Saly Greige smiling together at Miss Universe pageant preparations in Miami. Join the conversation about this story »