
Sunday, January 18, 2015

SYRIZA Leader Tsipras Asks for ‘Greater Acquiescence’ Among Parties

Greek main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras gave an interview to the Sunday edition of “Ethnos” newspaper, in which he requested a “greater acquiescence for the country’s salvation,” not a “consent to complicity,” referring to what he described as a “national salvation government of more than one party.” Nevertheless, Tsipras still asked for an indisputable absolute parliamentary majority mandate from the people, while also noting that the Memorandum “finishes on January 25,” the day of the forthcoming Greek elections. He also said that there will be no more austerity and no more Troika, as the representatives of Greece’s creditors have come to be known. Tsipras emphasized that Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’ commitments toward the Troika are also not included in Greece’s next day. The SYRIZA leader reiterated that if he becomes Prime Minister, his government will create a fairer tax system “that will, at last, touch the financially strong.” He said that the controversial unified property tax ENFIA shall be abolished and will be replaced by a large property tax that will be gradual. Tax-free income thresholds will also be raised, while “objective property value rates” – the ones which the State determines for all property transactions and taxing – shall be “widely adjusted.” Tsipras concluded that “the only ones who should fear are the ones who up until today are either tax-evading or tax-avoiding.” (source: ana-mpa)