
Sunday, January 4, 2015

SYRIZA Leader: ‘There Will be a Negotiation, There Will be an Agreement’

Greek main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras presented two messages during his speech at the party’s conference late on Saturday – one towards Greece’s lenders and one towards Greeks. Welcoming him to the podium, Nikos Voutsis, SYRIZA MP and secretary of the party’s parliamentary committee, said Tsipras will be the first Prime Minister from the Left. Tsipras described the framework of negotiations between the country and its international lenders and clarified that the party’s program is non-negotiable. “There will be a negotiation (with the country’s international lenders). There will be an agreement. And the Memorandum, along with the Troika, will become part of the past!” Tsipras said. He added that the party’s opponents are accusing him of planning a rift with the country’s Eurozone partners. “But what we want and what we’re planning is a break with barbarity. A break with the irrational and what is wrong,” he said. Tsipras reiterated his position that Greece’s debt is not sustainable and that the policy followed today is not sustainable either. He explained he will claim the write-down of the largest chunk of the country’s debt through an honest and determined negotiation, so Greece can finally enter a path of growth. (source: ana-mpa)