
Thursday, January 8, 2015

SYRIZA: The Alarm Clock That Will Wake EU Leaders

“SYRIZA is the alarm clock that will wake EU leaders out of their slumber,” party leader Alexis Tsipras told British TV station Channel 4. “What we demand,” he said, “is a European conference to tackle this European problem together, and there cannot be a solution without writing off a large part of the debt, a moratorium on repayments and a growth clause.” “In reality, we are not asking to borrow any new money. We have no intention to ask for new lending to repay old loans. Of course, we’re going to negotiate with all of our partners so that we can confront the common European problem of unsustainable Greek debt together,” Tsipras said. “And this is not the first time a debt write-off has been implemented,” he noted. “It happened in 1953 in Germany. And I am wondering on what ethical grounds does Germany refuse a solution to the European problem, which it benefited from many years ago when coming out of WWII, and when Germany itself had many open wounds?” Regarding reports on Greece’s exit from the Eurozone, he said: “This is a discussion that died in 2012. It’s like reheated food. A dance of the zombies. The question is, are we going to religiously stick to the rules even if they are wrong and damage us, or the path that says ‘do whatever it takes to save our common home,’ the EU, and more importantly, our society, our people.” Asked which of two he would rather have, a debt relief or the Parthenon Marbles back, he said “both of them” and added: “We are going to demand debt reduction and the money Germany owes us from WWII, including reparations, but we also want the Marbles, which don’t belong to us but to everybody, and which need to come back to their home.” (source: ana-mpa)