
Saturday, January 24, 2015

‘Sunday Will be a Bright Day,’ SYRIZA’s Tsipras Tells Cretans

The die is cast and election Sunday will be a bright day, main opposition Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) party leader said on Friday evening in Iraklio, Crete, Greece , where he wrapped up his campaign prior to the January 25 elections. Speaking at the main city’s Eleftheria Square, Tsipras referred to Crete as the island that has always refused to be subjugated and spoke of a torrent of change that cannot turn back. “We are not just voting for SYRIZA, we are voting for the preceding proud generations and for those that are coming, so that they may live with dignity and freedom,” the SYRIZA leader said. He added that “this is the end of Greece as a laboratory animal, the Greece of the troika and memorandums,” and said that “the Greek people turned their anger to a hope and vision,” turning election day into a political act of dignity, resistance and overturning.” (source: ana-mpa)