
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Spiegel: Grexit Not a Problem For Germany

  Fears of Greece’s departure from the Euro after an impeding preponderance of Alexis Tsipras‘ anti-austerity political party, SYRIZA, on the January 25 Greek elections, don’t seem to torment the Angela Merkel administration, according to German magazine Der Spiegel. Unnamed authority officials in Berlin revealed to the magazine that the German Chancellor, as well as Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, are currently examining the polls that show New Democracy and PASOK parties losing power in the Greek territory and the eventuality of a new Greek government formation under the supervision of SYRIZA’s leader, Tsipras. It should be mentioned that Tsipras plans to renegotiate Greece’s bailout, if his party comes to power. If Greece decides to abstain from any kind of cuts on its budget deals, failing to satisfy the huge debt, it will quickly follow the path of a risky exit from the Eurozone, something that could easily be manageable by the European partners, according to the German officials. “If Greece chooses a different path, it will become difficult. The new government must stand by agreements made by its predecessors,” Schaeuble hastened to declare.