
Friday, January 23, 2015

PM Samaras Calls for Unity, Says SYRIZA Undermines Greece’s Future

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Friday called on Greeks to unite and fight during his main pre-election speech in Athens. The Premier slammed main opposition SYRIZA for “undermining the country and its future.” Samaras started his speech from the European Central Bank’s (ECB) announcement on Thursday that it will launch its massive liquidity program, saying the plan gives many opportunities to Greece but these will be jeopardized if SYRIZA wins. “Europe is returning to growth. Greece needs this money, more than one trillion euros from Draghi’s program and 300 billion from (Jean-Claude) Juncker’s package, more than anyone and the country will have it because on Monday New Democracy will be government,” he said. “But when it rains money in Europe, they hold an umbrella. Because SYRIZA decided Draghi and Juncker’s packages are nonsense.” The New Democracy leader noted that for Greece to secure liquidity from ECB’s program, it will have to complete the review with the Troika and reach a deal for the day after the exit from the bailout program. “Our party was there and we will finish it,” he said. But SYRIZA does not recognize the program or the review; they reject the program, the liquidity, the investments, Samaras said. “They say ‘no’ to the dreams of youngsters who hope to find jobs through investments.” The Premier reminded his audience that when he took office two and a half years ago, the country was in the middle of a storm. “Whatever I did, I did it with my partners for one reason; so that Greek youth will have a hope. Abroad, I faced everyone’s mistrust and domestically, I was undermined by those who now criticize us. We worked day and night to keep the country on its feet,” Samaras said. “It would have been easier to promise things but where would Greece be after that?” he asked. The Prime Minister also stressed how Greece started standing on its own feet little by little. “We set the foundations for growth and a real hope. We eliminated deficits, the economy is picking pace, revenue increased in the last quarter. The country is stabilizing, we restored our credibility and now they have blown everything to pieces and dragged the country to elections,” Samaras said. He noted the opposition has brought back economic and political uncertainty but the “Tsipras accident will not happen.” He went on to explain that the pressures that can be placed on the country can be crushing. “How? By stopping liquidity flow. This is the accident that must not happen.” Samaras reminded that this is what happened in Cyprus, where the government was forced to impose limitations in capital movement and people could not withdraw money. This is something that could happen to Greece but New Democracy will not allow it to happen, he said, adding that the opposition has no idea what they will negotiate about, with whom and how. “If the country asks for more loans, they will impose more conditions. SYRIZA will not change Europe but it will turn it against Greece. This is why we all go to vote on Sunday.” (source: ana-mpa)