
Monday, January 19, 2015

Patras Carnival Kicks Off With a Message to Young Greeks

Patras Carnival 2015 kicked off this Saturday, January 17, but without the usual fireworks. The carnival is a large celebration taking place in Patras, Greece, and city mayor Kostas Peletidis used this opportunity to send a message to young Greeks. “Youth refuses to drown in misery,” he said during the opening ceremony that took place in Georgiou Square. He called on participating young men and women to send a message of optimism and show that they are “against a future that depends on the profits of monopoly and multinational companies.” “Young people can find their own solution. They don’t cower or give up. They show that life is more than just poverty and misery,” he added. Later, the festive atmosphere took over and everyone celebrated, welcoming the beginning of this year’s carnival, an oasis of joy, relaxation and escape from the crisis and the harsh daily routine. The carnival season will peak on February 22 where residents and visitors of Patras will witness a unique and unforgettable parade.