
Friday, January 23, 2015

Merkel-Renzi: We Believe There Will Be a Solution to the Greek Problem

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi expressed confidence that the problems of Greece will be resolved within the European Union confines, regardless of who wins Sunday’s elections. The two heads of state had an official meeting in Florence yesterday and among other issues they answered questions regarding the political and economic situation in Greece. “We await the decision of the Greek people and we will work with the current or the new government. It is important to show our solidarity to Greece, which faces a difficult situation. I am sure we will find a solution,” said Germany’s leader. The Italian PM was on the same wavelength: “I’m not worried and I respect the free will of Greek citizens. From next week on we will work with the new Greek government, or with Antonis Samaras if re-elected, with respect, calm and determination.”