
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Greek PM Tsipras in First Cabinet Meeting: We are a Government of Social Salvation

We are a social salvation government, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Wednesday in his speech at the first cabinet meeting of his government. The Prime Minister underlined there is a four-year reform plan; he noted he would work for balanced budgets without deficits and at the same time without exhausting surpluses. The first priority however, is to address the humanitarian crisis, he said and stressed that “the people demand we bleed in order to defend its dignity.” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras turned to his ministers and stressed the difficulty of their work, characteristically stating “we need to bleed.” He then emphasized the four priorities of the Greek government: – a return to dignity for all citizens – the support of the economy – renegotiating the Greek debt – getting rid of corruption Turning on domestic issues, Tsipras said he will restore minimum wage to €751 and will abolish the law suspending civil servants and will rehire those who were laid off “unlawfully.” He also said he will freeze some planned or ongoing privatizations, including the sale of power utility PPC. Mr. Tsipras also noted that the result of the elections had a strong international impact and estimated that the international climate has been changing, the country has been regaining its international status and its self-confidence and has been building its alliances. He stated that he was ready to discuss with all parties and added, he welcomed Martin Schulz who is visiting Athens on Thursday and Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem who is coming on Friday. He concluded his speech by stating that his government would be one of “national salvation.” He made it clear that the government had no right to quash the hopes of the Greek people and must make good on its pledges. The core 15-member cabinet, plans to meet every week, without deputy and alternate ministers or undersecretaries.