
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Greek PM: SYRIZA Is Leading the Country to Bankruptcy and a Credit Crisis

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras blasted main opposition SYRIZA for leading the country to bankruptcy, to a credit crunch and eventually out of Europe, during a speech in the city of Larissa, central Greece, on Saturday night. The Greek Premier expressed his optimism for the upcoming general elections, saying the opposition’s lead in polls has narrowed. “From Larissa, we start a path of victory. Greece will win. SYRIZA’s wind of victory is waning, the climate is changing. The Greek people voted us two and a half years ago to pull Greece out of the crisis. Two and a half years ago, few people believed it. In two and a half years, Greece made the biggest ‘tidying up,’ it has no deficits, it was ready to exit the crisis, but they didn’t let us. A minority of MPs dragged the country to elections that people didn’t want,” Samaras said. He noted that SYRIZA is afraid the country is finishing with the bailouts and that every year will be better than the previous one. “It was wrong to lead us to elections at a time when the country is recovering. This is why people will punish them for ignoring their wish,” he added. Samaras also said the markets’ reaction to the general elections shows how dangerous what SYRIZA did is, as it is leading the country to bankruptcy. “The international press and international bodies tell them every day. Everyone is shouting that what they’re saying cannot happen and will lead the country to huge problems.” Speaking to the people of Larissa, the Premier explained that what he is saying is not fear mongering, as SYRIZA claims. “The institutional decisions taken in their conventions include not paying interest rate and not meeting debt payments, but these decisions lead to bankruptcy. Even worse, they are also saying they will resort to forced lending. We are telling the truth,” Samaras said. He noted that EU funds earmarked for the next seven years, totaling 43.5 billion euros and directed at farmers and the periphery, will be jeopardized by SYRIZA. “The first one to lose will be the farmers and the agricultural periphery. We will also risk losing 15 billion euros after March. We will lose it because we have been warned that whoever does not abide by the EU conditions, will not get any money. They will lead the country to a credit crunch. This is the truth and I have an obligation to say it,” he added. (source: ana-mpa)