
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Greek PM and Opposition Leader Attend Epiphany Celebration

Greek Prime Minister and New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras attended the Epiphany celebration on Tuesday in the city of Kavala, Greece. After the ceremony, Samaras offered wishes for health to all Greeks and “progress for our country; now that it is standing on its feet, may it never slide back.” The waters blessing ceremony was held at the city port where swimmers, defying low temperatures, jumped into the sea to collect the cross. Dimitris Giannikopoulos, 35, an employee at the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) of Kavala, was the lucky one to collect the cross. Samaras congratulated all swimmers and wished them health and enlightenment. Greek main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras attended the Epiphany ceremony at the port of Piraeus. “Today is an important day for the Orthodoxy, a bright celebration for the Greek people. I wish that the light of justice and truth warms our country from this day forward,” Tsipras said after the end of the ceremony and while visiting the Piraeus City Theater. The waters blessing ceremony, officiated by the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Ieronymos, was held at the country’s main port, where Special Forces men jumped into the sea to collect the cross. The government was represented by Education and Religious Affairs Minister Andreas Loverdos, who wished a “happy new year and that we may all be enlightened by the light of reason.” (source: ana-mpa)