
Friday, January 23, 2015

Greek elections: what are your hopes for the future?

As Greece prepares to vote in early elections with polls putting radical leftwing party Syriza in front, share your hopes and fears for the future of your countryAre you one of Greece’s 9.8 million voters? We want to hear your hopes and fears for the future of the country. What is the best possible outcome – and what’s the worst?Greece will vote for one of eight political parties on Sunday in what will be a very closely watched election. There are two clear favourites. Alexis Tsipras’ radical left Syriza party – an alliance of Marxists, socialists, Maoists, Trotskyists and greens – has seen its popularity soar in recent weeks. Its anti-austerity promises, either through debt forgiveness inside the euro or a debt-free life, are proving popular. On Tuesday, the University of Macedonia’s poll put it 6.5 percentage points ahead of the ruling centre-right New Democracy party. Continue reading...