
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Greek Elections: SYRIZA Locks Lead in Polls

“SYRIZA maintains a stable and sharp edge in polls,” said ALCO research firm CEO Costas Panagopoulos, commenting on recent election polls. Speaking to “Parapolitika 90.1″ radio, Panagopoulos said that the SYRIZA lead is not only stable but the flow towards the leftist party is greater than that towards New Democracy. With less than two weeks before the elections, the number of undecided voters decreases while the percentages of the two leading parties are increasing. Despite the fact that many participants in polls keep their cards hidden to their chest, figures show that SYRIZA may increase its lead and voters of smaller parties move towards the big two. After voting stations close, the leftist party may end up with more votes than opinion polls currently indicate. Still, SYRIZA might not be able to form a government and a coalition is more likely. The battle for third place is a bigger bet with four parties being so close that it is impossible to predict who might take it, Panagopoulos said. At the moment, “To Potami,” Golden Dawn, the Greek Communist Party (KKE) and PASOK fight for third place. One of the four might be a candidate to form a coalition with SYRIZA. Independent Greeks (ANEL) and the new George Papandreou party, Democrat Socialists Movement, barely reach the 3% that would secure them parliament seats. Speaking of the two major parties’ election campaigns, Panagopoulos commented that New Democracy should not have based their campaign message in fear and that they are fighting SYRIZA in a field that is more friendly to the leftist party.