
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Germany's Central Bank Urges Greece to Stick to Bailout Commitment

Greece will continue to receive assistance by the EU only if it upholds its agreements with international lenders, Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann has said. His words come as SYRIZA, a radical leftist party, is set to win the vote by a wide margin. Its leader Alexis Tsipras maintains the country will quit the austerity program it started four years ago and will renegotiate the terms of the international bailout without leaving the Eurozone. Hours after the first exit poll results in Sunday's early elections were announced, Weidmann urged the next cabinet not to make promises it could not afford. "I hope the new government won't call into question what is expected and what has already been achieved," Kathimerini's English-language website quotes him as saying. Germany has been the main EU lender of Greece as the latter received in the course of a view years packages worth EUR 240 B to rein in its debt.