
Monday, January 5, 2015

French President: Greece Must Abide by its Previous EU Commitments

French President Francois Hollande talked about Greece’s situation during a radio interview, on Monday, January 5. He urged the country to focus on staying within the eurozone and abide by its European commitments. “The Greeks are free to choose their own destiny. But, having said that, there are certain engagements that have been made and all those must be of course respected,” he noted. Hollande’s comment was aimed at the leftist party that could win the upcoming elections of January 25, in Greece. SYRIZA’s rise in poll numbers has spooked the international and European lenders. Meanwhile, Vice-Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel noted that any new Greek government should abide to the country’s previous leaders commitments. Germany expects that “whatever the shape of the new government, it should stick to the agreements that have been reached with the EU,” he stated to the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung. Furthermore, he added that despite the rumors that want Europe preparing for Greece’s exit from the Euro, he noted that “the goal of the whole government, the EU and the government in Athens itself is to keep Greece in the Eurozone.”