
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Eurogroup President: Greek Gov’t Needs Time to Settle In

It is too early to speak about what will happen with the current fiscal program of Greece, Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said at a press conference following the group’s meeting on Monday. Congratulating SYRIZA, Dijsselbloem said that he looked forward “to working with them, the way we worked with the previous Greek government,” adding that the Eurogroup “will support them in their quest for economic recovery of Greece. We are glad that their ambition is to realize this within the eurozone and that is exactly our ambition too.” He added however that “it is too early to say what their intentions, ambitions are in the short-term” regarding Greece’s fiscal program and recommended patience. “We must allow the new Greek government to take their positions and give their points of view on how to move forward, both in finalizing the pending review and any other further support from the eurozone to Greece ,” he said, noting that the next Eurogroup meeting was in February. Greece’s leaders and the people must realize that the country faces serious problems that cannot be resolved overnight after the elections. He also said he had a 15-minute telephone conversation with the new minister of finance – whom he declined to name – who expressed his willingness to collaborate directly with the Eurogroup and who asserted the country’s commitment to the eurozone. “That is a good start,” Dijsselbloem said. (source: ana-mpa)