
Thursday, January 29, 2015

EU Parliament President Schulz: I Hope Greece Remains on European Track

The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz‘ visit to Greece, signals that the prime values of the European Union continue to be the acceptance and respect of popular sovereignty highlighted the Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras. The PM concluded a two-hour meeting with the senior European official, which was held at the government headquarters Maximos Mansion, in Athens earlier today. In the joint press conference which followed the meeting, Mr. Tsipras characterized Mr. Schulz as a good friend of Greece as well as a personal friend, while on his behalf, the European Parliament President declared himself honored to be the first official to visit Athens after the new government’s election. Furthermore, Mr. Schulz described the Greek Premier’s will to achieve a compromise between the country and its partners as a “very satisfactory message,” underlining his hope for Greece to remain on European track as it always has been, in what is seen as a clear message to the newly elected SYRIZA- Independent Greeks (ANEL) coalition government. The Greek Prime Minister described the conversation between the two as “constructive” which will help shape a new relationship of confidence. Referring to the previous program agreed with Greece’s lenders Mr. Tsipras said that “for four years the Greek people have experienced its failure. The people have paid for the improper relationship between the financial oligarchy and the old political regime that protected it.” Moreover, Mr. Tsipras highlighted that he personally assured Martin Schulz that the new Greek government is ready to put an end to this inappropriate comparison, explaining that his administration is planning to sweep reforms and productive reconstruction. “We negotiate with security and guarantee stability,” the Greek Prime Minister concluded, adding that those investing in the opposite will soon be disappointed.