
Thursday, January 29, 2015

EP's Schulz Criticises Tsipras of Splitting Common EU Stance on Russia

European Parliament (EP) President Martin Schulz criticised on Wednesday the newly-elected Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of splitting the common European Union (EU) stance on Russia. Tsipras's radical left party SYRIZA won the early parliamentary elections in Greece on Sunday and established a coalition government with the right-wing Independent Greeks. As one of its first moves, the new Greek government raised its objection to the EU's idea of imposing new sanctions on Russia. This development comes ahead of the meeting of the EU's foreign ministers on Thursday, at which it is expected that new sanctions against Russia are to be discussed in view of the renewed escalation of violence in Ukraine. Schulz and Tsipras are to meet in Athens on Thursday in order to discuss the new government's anti-austerity measures and the renegotiation of the Greek debt.