
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Broken Promises – New Year 2015

Many people would make New Year’s resolutions, but hardly any of them will be kept or come to fruition. One may say, “so be it.” And so, life goes on, full of broken promises. In fact, Cypriot citizens are drowned by such promises that never materialize. The EU promised us prosperity and employment when Cyprus joined the EU institution; the Euro promised us currency stability and low interest rates once we dumped the pound; the United Nations resolutions promised us hope to remove the Turkish invaders from our country; the Guarantor powers – Britain, Greece and Turkey – promised us protection; instead, they have turned the island into a pizza with everyone anxious to grab a slice; since the discovery of gas, America is also on the scene, sniffing for a slice and promising “security” if Cyprus joins NATO and distances its links with Russia. Actions speak louder than words and our politicians (shamefully) have also played a dastardly role by failing in their duty to serve those same people who have elected them into office. Instead, they have allowed the infestation of corruption to grow and turned a blind eye to banking fraud that shattered peoples’ dreams. Worst of all, they approved the inconceivable: allowed the current government to rob peoples’ bank accounts on the sly. That decision brought economic ruin and grim poverty to the nation in return for poison loans from the IMF/EU Troika. Sad to say, they have not finished with us yet; people will soon be losing their homes and facing homelessness. Meanwhile, there is no end to the charade and spin. One would say: enough of empty promises and lies! Yet, it’s quite extraordinary how Cypriots remained silent all those years, without speaking out in demand for their rights. What happened to the Cypriot spirit of defiance? Muzzled, obviously. Thankfully, the Revolution of the Mind has begun and people now do call for that one illusive justice that has eluded them for so long. The January elections in Greece might undoubtedly change all that and bring a new hope for the country while telling the IMF/EU Troika to pack its bags. The final decision by the Greek people would certainly influence citizens in Cyprus. Greece’s exit from the Euro is more likely than unlikely and will trigger a domino effect on other member states. In fact, that will not be a bad thing! It will serve as a massive shake up of the European Union and possibly revert it back to its original honorable idea: a European Economic Common Market of independent sovereign nations that does not cower under the current EU supranational corporation controlled by a horde of inglorious, unelected and unaccountable politicians. However, the gravest area of concern across Europe, Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus – aside from the brutal, fundamental “Islamic State” – is the Erdogan/Davudoglu Neo-Ottomanism obsession for a greater Sunni imperial Turkey. If successful, secular Turkey will vanish forever. There is much to worry, mainly because both leaders cannot be trusted while they are also sympathetic to the IS Jihadists and the Sunni Hamas terrorist organization — the latter have recently been given permission and set up headquarters in Ankara. This is where Cyprus needs to rise above its minnow and bleeping status, show leadership and become the brave little David that toppled Goliath. By applying international law, Cyprus can isolate Turkey to no ends. Of course that will demand a long-term plan of action, which Cypriots have not experienced as of yet. Wishful thinking, however, does not produce results but actions do. So, let’s wish that the New Year would be a hopeful year and endow people with the spirit to demand truth and resist empty promises from fork-tongued politicians.